Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dear Hillary

Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Dear Hillary,

Everyone gets that you're as strong as any man.

However, a strong man type is not what we need and/or want. We need and want a Woman who is as strong as any woman which means a woman who is able to register, contain and implement the Feminine Principle. The Feminine Principle is the energy that drives evolutionary creation.

Just as the Feminine Principle has been totally misconstrued, maligned and hidden by those ignoramuses who do not get that we live in a harmonious multidimensional Cosmos, so has the Masculine Principle been misconstrued, maligned, and hidden.  These two always and only co-exist. One is useless without the other or, even worse, destructively ignorant.
Just as the everywhere and always occurring Principle we call Feminine has nothing to do with one's sex, the everywhere and always present energy we call masculine has nothing to do with sex. Any balanced human being can vision, initiate and creatively implement an Idea.

The problems arise when a self-centered individual, man or woman, bent on creating for his or her separate or personal desires, acts. The actions of a balanced individual, regardless of the physical sex, generally serve the Common Good because the balanced person sees situations whole and not just from a single perspective. All of those great persons of human history who moved Humanity forward, that is toward the goal of the "Self Evident Truths", balanced the feminine and masculine Principles.

The energy which actuated those heroes and enables a human being to balance these two energies is Love. And love moves through the heart, not the mind.  Love is the carrier wave for Good Intentions, and Good Intentions pave the road, not toward hell as the ignoramuses would have you believe, but toward the Self Evident Truths.

We need "a radical feminist agenda" to put the power of evolution behind our efforts to remember our dismembered world. President Lincoln pointed out that "A house divided against itself cannot stand." We are One, and the only way forward for us is to bring this fact into the common mind. We need "a radical feminist agenda" which flows from the heart, not for women but for humanity.

I do think that if you will embrace the heart you can lead all of us but especially our women of whom there are still millions who are unenfranchised, not because they are not permitted to vote, but because they are lost or held in bondage by the misconstrued, maligned myths of "women's" place. I think also that if you reach out with the power of the heart to women specifically, you will as well ignite that smoldering flame that lies in the core of the heart of most men because it is the flame of the Feminine Principle.

lots of love


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