Sunday, September 4, 2016

Evolution of the Dinosaurs Act V

So, we assumed that we were through with the dinosaurs. They were definitely the honchos for a longish time. Mostly they were huge, but they came in lots of sizes shapes. They were all very fast, ugly eaters of everything in their path. There is a lot of "scientific" conjecture concerning the causes of their supposedly rapid "extinction", but whatever aspect or tool of evolution caused it, the dinos' vehicles did not make the cut. (I recently read a comment in my grandson's dinosaur book, that said nothing larger than a dog survived.) Their current vehicles were not up to dealing with whatever it was that came down, and so they “dis-appeared” which is a more accurate way of saying they became extinct.

There are always, big changes working out on the dense physical. That they seem to happen "overnight" is an indicator of our myopic vision. For a dense physical example climate change has been occurring for centuries. We are just now tuning in on it, but Humans are still around because we have been able to see and deal with the changes in time to avoid dis-appearance.

Avoiding disappearance is called adaptation. Adaptation means modifying the dense vehicle so that it can work with the new environments. It is this process that Evolution, which is a matter of moving Intention into a form that can sustain it, is about.

The dinosaurs, could do only this one thing, chase stuff down, and eat it.  The actual killing of the stuff was just an integral part of the eating. So when the big change came, these one track, eating mechanisms simply could not adapt or avoid dis-appearance.

The bad news was/is that the thoughtform of the dynamic of food getting, chasing down, over powering, killing, and eating stuff, at which the dinosaurs were experts, did not disappear. As "a way of life", the thoughtform sort of moved with the Planet as things evolved.

Rather rapidly, it seems, this thoughtform found its way into new dense physical constructs that would provide a residence for it or give it appearance on the dense physical. So, though occupying bodies that are quite different than their old lizard scaled, super fast, huge toothed, vehicles, the dinosaur food getting dynamics, are still with us. And, once again, having developed "tools" which evolved very rapidly into weapons and such, they have moved into the top position of the Eating Chain.

We are very familiar with these ancient residents. We used to call them Kings and Czars and Emperors. Today they are generally known by vague euphemisms such as CEO’s, Job Providers, and various other formulations of the Exclusive Few 1%ers.

The good news is that the current group of brothers that employ the dinosaur food getting dynamic or consciousness, in a much subtler but equally deadly way, are up for dis-appearance too. You wondered about what happened all those kings and emperors and Khans, how they seem to come out of the darkness, eat everything in sight, and then disappear. Like all the consciousnesses that manifest on the dense physical through human type bodies, these consciousnesses reincarnate too. The consciousness still manifests in a lot of sizes, but the Big Boys, the chief eaters, now makeup the present group we call CEO’s, oligarchs, Job Providers, the 1%ers in general.

Well, evolution, which is a matter of consciousness expressing Divine Intention (that means it is a Will or Intention originating on a cosmic plane which, with our present equipment, we cannot fully comprehend) through form, has this way of expanding, and every expansion moves the food or appearance game, so to speak into a higher dimension. So what these old and present material gluttons and wannabe kings feed on, material wealth, personal separative power, luxury is rapidly becoming irrelevant to manifestation on this Planet.

The expansion this time is on to a dimension where there is no food, nothing to sustain a consciousness that depends on separation and the selfish use of power for appearance. It is rapidly becoming apparent that nobody has to kill, dominate, enslave, takeover or own anything to sustain a very rewarding and useful life on this planet.

The dinosaur consciousness dynamic of a one dimensional eat or be eaten struggle for survival is, in fact, the source of the planetary wide energy imbalances that generate huge obesity/material luxury and starvation/poverty. You literally cannot have one without the other.

Good News! The poor will be with us only as long as the wealthy.

The incoming or evolving inclusive consciousness, or as it is called in the esoteric texts, group consciousness, has gradually been able to generate equipment that can house and implement it. The generation of new equipment occurs as the  individual is able to become aware of his or her unconscious identification with their dense forms and to consciously switch that identification from the forms to the informing consciousness.

This new equipment has not changed the basic design or appearance of the dense physical residence. The changes have been upgrades in the sensory apparatus and the capacity of the brain and nervous system to contract, register and contain the higher levels of energy that make up the higher dimensions of Reality. The body in general has been upgraded (not without a great deal of "growing pains") to register and with stand the impact of higher frequencies being brought in by the sensory apparatus. These upgrades are fore-runners of human wide mental telepathy and what is called etheric vision.

Lacking the equipment to register these "upgrades", they are totally beyond the ability of the older dinosaur consciousness to comprehend. In fact the frequency levels of these "upgrades" would shatter the vehicles of the separative consciousness.(There is a lot of esoteric lore here regarding the inability of a separative consciousness to move beyond the 4th subplane of the mental plane.(The Rays and Initiations PP, 348-351) Thus, the long struggle, and the usual experience of the futility of trying to explain them to these brothers. However, the previous huge imbalances generated on the planet by the ignorant use of intelligence to create self serving systems of greed and egoism are (from the long point of view)  being rapidly eliminated by the constantly growing presence of  the new inclusive consciousness. This is what evolution does.

Not to feel bad. "Extinction" is a one dimensional explanation of reality. There is really no such thing. There is just a relocation of these consciousnesses which cannot adapt to a more conscious compatible environment where their evolution can proceed. The brothers with the older separative focused, self centered, one dimensional consciousnesses which are not able to adapt to the new Earth energy fields, will reincarnate in a different Planetary system where they can continue their evolution.

I suppose that some of this sounds a bit far out, but it does seem to be a more reasonable way of proceeding. In the end its about physics. The Cosmos is infinite. Energy cannot be destroyed. A Principle we call Love, for our tiny, tiny understanding of it, is LIFE.

"The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.
You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.
 You who fear the end, turn to all four directions and say, “Let us realize Infinity!” The summits and the recesses of Earth are your sources. Limitless are the currents of these sources. If people would only know how to gather the eternally flowing currents of Infinity, then verily the laboratory of life would be realized.
The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent.
 You who fear the end, affirm yourself in the power of the spiral of Light and of the Fire of Space. Let us say, “Beautiful is the Breath of Cosmos!”
Infinity 1 #10

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