Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sacrifice Means Resurrection.

Humanity is deeply involved in the process of giving birth to a new way of living on this planet. We all know, and our Brothers have advised us again and again that “Pain and disruption ever precede birth”.

The Planetary events since the end of the World War, (A time of Pain and disruption) have all been aspects or parts of this birthing process. The initial wonderful creation of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan, and the rebuilding of much of the destruction from the war, the great strides made in the world and the U.S. in terms of Civil and Human rights, are examples of the Direction of the new way of Living.

The counter blow that the Retrogressors released as they were defeated on the dense physical plane has been causing much emotional and mental psychic pain on the Planet. Since 1990 the level of disruption and pain has been growing. The 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, the ongoing wars of the Middle East, the mass refugee flights, and the results of this election are all part of the resistance to the New Way of Living on this Planet.

America, the United States, is part of a great unfolding expansion of consciousness. It is a part of the Birthing process that is engulfing the Planet. Many of our brothers and sisters are suffering just now from the greatly unexpected effects of the recent election process in the United States. The event released an unparalleled wave of fear and doubt, anger and hatred into our collective consciousness. The presence of these frequencies of evil are causing this great discomfort in so many.

For those who can think, seeing this event in the greater context of the unfolding Plan, realizing that we have been to this brink many times, and we have always triumphed and will again, inoculates and brings relief from the infection of the evil energies of fear, doubt hate and anger.

We who can think, by refusing to harbor, to give house to these evil energies, can through our thoughts, through our joyful, loving certainty clear the emotional and mental fields of the evil energy and fill them with harmony and courage and Light.

This will do more to aid our suffering brothers and sisters and more to support the Efforts of the Forces of Light than we can know. Do it. Do it on purpose with love and Will.

Sacrifice means resurrection.
We die,
To be born.
Each night merges
Into a new dawn.
The pain comes from holding on.

Sacrifice is saying yes.
In the yes, we let go.
The pain ends
In the New.

It is, of course, true-
There can be no Phoenix
With out the ashes.
Phoenix focused, fused
To that rush and release,
Pain remains
With the ashes.

Flying free
We wing
Joy filled- joyfully
Into New and formless

Is the commitment
Of Summer’s full blown richness
To the gloriously incandescent furnace
Of Autumn’s kaleidoscopic color
The death white ash of Winter
From which has already
Sprung Spring.

Sacrifice is the doorway into Eternity.

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