Monday, February 12, 2018

Time to Take Over

What we call material wealth money, property of all kinds is, in the end, just a bunch of matter that has been forced by our thinking into various forms which are held together and given some totally arbitrary level of value by our opinion of what they are worth to whatever we think we are or ought to be. If we are identified with what our hands are full of, or empty of, the stuff that we think makes us separate and unique, stuff like position, prestige, personal power, money, cars, houses, whatever material possessions we may own, or wish we owned, we generally are not concerned with, are not even aware of, Consciousness.

Then, eventually, we get some kind of a wake up call. Usually these are rather uncomfortable events in our lives that take us “aback”, that sort of rattle our cage and require us to become just the slightest bit conscious of what is going on. “Pain and disruption ever precede birth” Externalization of the Hierarchy P.679

When we actually look from that, perhaps only momentarily clear,  point of view, the unavoidable reality finally registers. If it really takes, even for a few moments, we sort of get an “insight” a few moments of clarity into the big fraud.

Usually, under this sort of unexpected impact of what is actually an inflow of high powered energy, we get all “high” and worked up. We desire to expand, to change our lives. We decide that we need to sacrifice. We need to let it all go!

Some of us actually give all of our stuff away, including our wives, husbands, children, jobs, all of those hindering material responsibilities. And we join. Boy do we ever join. We join all sorts of groups, religions organizations. Some of us actually go off to India or some monastery on big long “pilgrimages” to become enlightened.

We get all tied up for years in our “search” in our desire to do what is called “letting go”.

Well, turns out that Consciousness does not respond very well to desire. Desire is an attractive power of the separated self. It has a super powerful tendency to involve us deeper into what we already have. There is nothing like “trying” or desiring to “let go” that makes us hold on.

So, eventually it becomes a question of energy focus. Consciousness cannot be purchased. It can’t be purchased because it is priceless. Consciousness is also, incidentally, free.

It came with the birth package; however, it cannot be unwrapped through desire.  We must take it. “Sacrifice must not be regarded as a "giving-up," but rather as a "taking-over.". Discipleship in the New Age II P. 287

It’s about the Will. We can't just want to be conscious. We have to realize that we are consciousness itself.  It is about what “doing more with less” really means.

Anyway, if we are consciousness, if we really get Reality, we do not need to desire anything. We already have everything we need to do what Consciousness needs to do.

 And we can be sure, doubtless, that consciousness is not interested in solid gold bathroom fixtures. 

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