Monday, February 4, 2019

The Bondage of Self-Consciousness

Infinity is pure Intention. According to the Ageless Wisdom, it appears as a Word. As above so below! “…people must understand that the word is the pedal of thought—that each word is a thunder-bearing arrow.” Community #47 Pay attention to Intension.

Less that an eye-blink ago, 1929-39, Humanity experienced an event called the Great Depression. This event was seen by our pseudo-scientific economics experts as an effect of previous events. These previous events were seen as causal, and these so called “causes” received tons of analysis.

This analysis has about 5 or 6 very different theories. Each of these theories was generated by a different economics expert from different authoritative “schools” of economics. The analysis concerns interpretations of and fixes for the various kinds of effects which impacted and “caused” the Depression or the present effect. None of these fixes has or will ever have any lasting corrective effect.

None of these various and often contradicting theories has made it possible for us to avoid economic depressions or recessions since, for example, the “Greatest Depression” of 1970.  As we know from many years of dreadful experience of trying to “fix” problems by dealing with the effects, none of these efforts ever will fix anything, because none of them deal with the initiating causes of these ages long strings of cause and effect events.

The Devil is in The Motives
The essential unseen cause, or the Devil in these and most of the other problems of Humanity, is not in the “details”. It is literally the presence in our bodies of an individual totally separate Self-Consciousness. This consciousness is the ancient product of the delusion that we are our physical bodies and by extensions ours things or property. We are also absolutely certain that we are mortal and that we can kill or be killed by many other things. It is this delusion of our identification with our forms and our fear of death that motivates or drives many of our most significant decisions.

The concepts which lie behind the policies and the manifestation of those policies into forms are the products of this separative self-conscious notion of Reality. This delusion has done and continues to prevent people from realizing the synthetic factual nature of the World, indeed, of the Cosmos, in which we literally live and move and have our being. It has limited, even blocked, our knowledge and understanding of Cosmos to the dense physical planes, to what can be seen and measured. Scientists and Philosophers, in fear of being branded as idealistic fools, or dreamers, have left any efforts to deal with the nonphysical-dense dimensions of our Cosmos in the hands of various religions, con-artists, and actual fanatics.

Since beginning, the various social systems which produced the many civilizations on Earth are mostly products of this separative delusion of Reality. Prime examples are our present “capitalistic” economic systems. These systems are grounded in the power of the ignorant concept of the private ownership of what we call Property.

Ownership of Private Property
This concept, an actual product of the delusion of separative self-consciousness, is accepted as some kind of cosmic law. It creates and justifies separations and class structures based on an individual’s power to claim and hold, or own as “private property” a thing, any “thing” from huge land masses, to a lump of gold, or some other person’s actual body. If this owned thing is not dense physical but a corporation or such, and big enough, it can be divided into individually owned “shares”. The “thing” can be given, sold, stolen, or simply taken away from any one individual by any other individual by guile or power. A huge portion of our “laws” are dedicated to protect one’s private property from just such banditry.

The delusion of the ownership of property also empowers another common, and blindly accepted as fact, shibboleth. “The poor will always be with you.” This shibboleth provides convenient moral coverage and justification for the huge inequalities generated by absurd economic systems.

Stagnation of Evolution
Systems of government and economics generated by such delusionary concepts have not evolved or changed very much in the 6 or 7 thousand years that we know anything about. They continue to create and maintain separation, division and class structuring based on wealth power. As they always have, they fail to meet the basic needs of billions of people while creating super wealthy classes of “.01 to .001”percenters.

We used to call the lower classes property, slaves, or serfs. More recently they are just called the lower classes or the poor. The .01%, as the wealthy and super wealthy owners of property are now known, used to be called Kings and Rulers. They are just called the Rich now or occasionally a CEO. They still live in “castles” and travel around in luxury vehicles, planes, and yachts. The top 10% own 77% of the U.S. wealth. The top .1% own 38.6%. The lowest 50 % own 1.6% of the U.S. wealth.

The Illusion of Independence
None of our systems, institutions, laws, and policies are independent. In scientific fact, they are all interdependent. They all interact and have various effects on each other. Thus, through our economic, social, political systems we remain deeply involved in a worldwide struggle between those forces who champion the Common Good and General Welfare and the ancient forces of retrogression who continue to struggle to maintain their dominance in many respects over the planet.

For just one example of this ongoing struggle: The U.S. government has just emerged from a 35 day “shut down” ordered by a single individual. The President, who acting as if he were a King, was demanding that he be given 5.7 billion dollars to construct a fantasy wall along the U.S. southern border to keep persons from Mexico and other Central American nations from seeking asylum in the U.S. When the Congress denied to give him this money, he shut down the government by refusing to sign a t continuing resolution bill passed by congress.

The Social and economic effects of this action which, among many other things stopped the wages of 800,000 employees of the government, were and will continue to be devastating. His actions not only effected huge numbers of individuals, but many sectors of our national life and indeed, as our national life is an intrinsic part of it, the planet.

From this point of view we can see that all of our struggles are, in one significant respect, political. They are about the creation of societies of Equality and Justice. The struggle is between those who would continue holding Humanity hostage in the delusionary prison of separative self-consciousness and those who understand the natural Evolution, and unavoidable expansion of consciousness from separative self-consciousness to the inclusive synthesis of “group” consciousness.

Over the centuries the evolution of Humanity was driven by the Good Intentions of various relatively group conscious groups and individuals who sought to upgrade the prison through humanistic political policies that would provide for the Common Good. They created examples and exposed possibilities to others who followed. Gradually we were able to grasp the meaning and significance of their sacrifices and to take steps in their footprints.

It is this gradual expansion of consciousness that Freedom is all about. Freedom is the liberation of the Inner Reality of a human being, from the prison of self-consciousness to the liberty of Infinity. Or you might say, Freedom is our liberation from the delusion of our personal identification with our dense forms to the conscious realization that we are, as the Ageless Wisdom says, “THAT”.

The “That” is the immortal inner presence of the consciousness that actuates our forms. This includes our dense physical bodies of course, but also all of our material possessions, our “property”. It is our identification with these things, these items that give our separative personalities reality and power. The more we have the greater the delusion we have of ourselves as separate Personalities.

Incidentally, the giving of everything away and becoming a pious beggar is definitely not the point. Shifting the responsibility for staying alive onto the “charity” of others is a really selfish con job. The point is to relinquish the identification with and the ownership of things including money, regardless of “how much” is involved, and to pick up the responsibility of using whatever resources one has at whatever level of the system one is occupying for the support of the Common Good, and the General Welfare.

Only free people can operate at this level of service. In fact, this is what freedom means. It means paying attention to our intentions. It means the conscious joyful participation in the process of Evolution, or if you prefer, “The Unfolding Plan”.

The expansion of consciousness is what Evolution is about. It has been happening from the beginning. It involves a synthesis that shifts the polarization of Humanity from “Mind over Matter” to Heart over Mind.

Think about it…with our hearts…it is the Heart alone that can encompass Infinity.

Tom Carney
February 2019

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