Sunday, August 25, 2019

Re. David Koch:
A co-warrior asked me if the death of David Koch would "help the Light".

My sense is that the Koch empire still stands and is still deeply involved in the basics of replacing Democracy with some sort of fascist conglomerate where those who are, in their ancient assumption, supposed to rule, do rule.

It is difficult to know who most of these persons are because they live in very exclusive situations and shun a public presence. However it is also easy to know who some of these chosen ones are because they tell us. As the current occupant of the White House has recently informed us he is  the Chosen One and the King of Israel.

They demonstrate their power by the purchasing the people who are supposed to be implementing the democratic government, and use them to systematically destroy the democratic structures of that government.

The recent purchase of the White House, Senate, and Supreme Court  in the United states is an example.

David Koch was one of the more effective of these individuals because he looked so nice and appeared to be generous, and friendly. He was "an enthusiastic patron of the arts and a man-about-town."  That's the thing about Humanity's  most dangerous retrogressors. They all dress beautifully, and with few exceptions, such as the current president, have nice manners when they are in the public eye.

What exists behind these facades of "niceness" is a ruthless, heartless, highly intelligent, amoral, and unquenchable drive to dominate and own, to be Kings again. These individuals do not deal in halfwayness. they are one pointed and their aim is to dominate. Anything that might resemble an offer to "compromise" is a facade.

These individuals are not to be feared or hated. Triumph comes through Striving with Good Will to enhance the Light to grow the Common Good and General welfare on every level of life. This will  expose  the lie, for that which is not of the light cannot exist in the Light.

As has always been the case, we need to see clearly through their multitudes of  masquerades and posturings of concern for the people. When necessary, as in WW2, and now to we need to be totally adamant and unmoving in our resistance.

From the beginning the struggled. From the beginning we conquered.

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