Monday, October 28, 2019

The Future Actually is Unavoidable

The Future Actually is Unavoidable

“Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known.” Luke 12:3

“What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops.” Luke 12:3

There are as many versions of this particular bit of data from Luke as there are self-made authorities. But who would have guessed that the “housetops” would actually be those of the White House, the official residence and workplace of the president of the United States, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C.

Although it is not quite on the roof, and you can’t really say whispered although plenty of that has gone down as well, in the past two years more incredible stuff has been ranted, boasted, declared, announced, broadcast, promulgated, signed into official policy, even in one stupendous rip off, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Laws than you can imagine.

Much of this stuff, probably the majority, is unbelievable basically because it is simply lies. The NYT compiled list of lies, , is amazing. And many of these outright lies are the primary messages of his multitudes of “rallies” of which there were 323 in the 2016 and hundreds more since.

Press Conference:
With his mouth in high gear
Eyes cawing, “I’m sincere.”
He blatantly lied to the nation.

Clutching the podium—
Foretold opprobrium—
He licked his lips with a cleft tongue.

His words, crow droppings, blind.
The fabric of truth is limed.
“We shall have a just peace.” He said.

For proof, of course, there are these
Piles of dead.

I do not know what Luke actually had in mind when he made his remarks, which have been memorialized in the New Testament, but it was probably more of a shout out to the local people of that time about the corruption of what was going on, than it was a prophesy of things to come. Whatever the case, we know that the whispering and lies told in the closets of the super wealthy Retrogressors have been continued over these past two centuries. Way, way back, long before Luke, his co-hearts, and his probably younger Brother, it was and is these lies, starting with the divine rights of Kings and such to rule the people, that have been the Cause of most if not all of the wars through which humanity has had to pass to evolve.

The present obviously serious case of delusion and mythomania which is generating the non-stop flow of, also obvious, flat out lies, of boasting, fear mongering, and  weasel words, delivered almost daily on Twitter and at  press conferences and rallies, is actually a major aspect of the Revelation of not only the Causes of our problems, but the rapidly unfolding correction of vision that the Aquarian Age is manifesting through the exploding presence of group conscious individuals, at least in my opinion.

Really Sisters and Brothers, how did you expect the externalization of the Hierarchy to come down? And, as I have said on occasion, Trump is toast.
October 28, 2019

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