Thursday, February 20, 2020

Again! The Moderation Con

Why are seemingly intelligent individuals so hung up on moderation? Every step of significance that Humanity has ever taken was All IN! And it very frequently resulted in the death or imprisonment of those who took them. I have mentioned Socrates, Jesus, Lincoln, and the Allied Nations who lost millions of lives to defeat the last dense physical attempt to take over the World by deranged criminals.

There was nothing moderate or halfway in any of those and thousands of other efforts by individuals and small to large groups of human beings willing to sacrifice everything for Liberty, Justice, and Equality.

When on TV or in other media we look at those who favor and are actively pushing moderation, the considerable majority of them are at least financially comfortable, well fed, somewhat educated, or vocationally trained, securely employed or comfortably retired, decently housed, with good medical coverage, middle to older aged people. They are in a phrase, settled in.

These individuals are not mean or without feelings towards others, they are simply happy with their present life which in many cases they worked hard to get. They are wary of change at any level, but if there has to be change then let it be very slight and measured or moderate so that it will not interfere with their presently comfortable lives.

What we forget when we slip into the “settled in” box are the facts of the lives and the price that our ancient and immediate ancestors paid to get us to this delusion of “peace” or whatever we call what presently passes for Democracy. Those who espouse moderation for the way ahead want to “bring us peace in our time”. We all know how that worked.

Moderation has never in all of recorded history ever found gold, discovered a cure, actually got Humanity anywhere. Moderation is mediocrity.

Still, it is way, way more important that we understand that Moderation is an anciently designed and developed con that is used to sustain a destructive and evolution blocking habit of everything from personal behavior to outworn, broken systems of government, finance, education and so on. For example, moderation is and has been the ploy that is used to keep the insane so called economic system of capitalism in place. This is the system that has generated more wars, death and disease, more poverty and ignorance than we can imagine.

Those who push moderation want moderation for Human progress, things like free speech, health care, schools, housing, and employment. They say nothing however about going all in on getting ready for and doing war. As the Trump 2020 budget request indicates the only place we have moderation is in the areas of the budget that support advances for Humanity. For example: All In $718 billion or 57% for defense, Super Moderation $90 billion or 7% for Health and Human Services, and oh yeah, 62 billion or a whopping 5% for Education.

This is a path to continued and accelerating disaster. This budget is the product of the old one dimensional delusion. It is based on the ancient ignorance that humans are smart animals who have figured out better, faster ways to kill those who oppose us. This budget was produced by a person or persons who live in a faux reality of a one dimensional cosmos and are essentially insane.

The “Far Left” program suggestions from Sanders, Warren and others are in reality tiny efforts to bring an unbelievably out of balance Planet into some form of harmony with Reality. The Climate situation is a mirror image of the economic, social, and political imbalances. The ice is melting on many levels. They are all sending dire warnings.

We either go all in pretty soon on these issues or we will be all out.


  1. I am afraid that "all in" will open the doors to Trump and that I fear more than anything else. So much to lose with another 4 years of Trump. Love Di

  2. Fear is exactly what they want you to use to make decisions. Fear is what drives cowards and inevitably leads top pain and suffering for those who fear and those who they love.
