Saturday, May 20, 2023




Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3

In the first century post Plato, the Ageless Wisdom was moved by the Retrogressors from the cave to the creation of what we call religion, “the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.” Oxford Languages So, the Ageless Wisdom for lo these many centuries has been contained, locked, hidden in a spiritual cave called religion. Spiritual means it does not exist in the dense physical world. Hence, it is whatever you say it is.

This term “spiritual”— since, if it’s spiritual then it does not exist in what passes for reality in the dense physical world that is run by the delusion that we are our dense physical bodies—, has been used in religions for a very long time to speak about the non-dense, ergo non-provable, ergo non-existing multidimensional Cosmos. Basically, what we are doing used to be called SCIENCE, not religion. And what exists beyond the three dense physically registerable by current dense physical equipment planes, is not spiritual, holy, or sacred. It is simply various frequencies of ENERGY OR LIGHT that manifest in forms of the 7 levels of this Physical Plane none of which are so crude, slow, or gross that they can be registered or “seen” by the current way we use our eyes. Nor are they registerable by currently known technology.

So that meant and still does mean to a huge number of animal-men that truth, love, beauty, kindness, joy, or basically 99.99999% of the Universe which is not dense physical and about which we know very little does not exist. So, for a replacement- Literally- we have this non-sense ginned up mess by the Retrogressors called.  “ALT TRUTH!” Thus love, beauty, kindness, joy are whatever anyone says they are. 

This is the backbone of the Great Lie, currently going under the name of Capitalism. This is also the basic LIE, that the Retrogressors use to justify the U.S., the “land of the free and the home of the brave” having 700 or so billionaires and 30 million people living in poverty.

However, as we well know these frequencies of energy do exist. We know they exist because we can hear, touch, see, feel, and smell them in subtle non-dense ways. Unless one is a member of the walking dead, we consciously register the presence of the Beauty, Harmony, and Joy as well as the fear, hate, pathos, pain and suffering of the Lives of the plant, animal, and humans which surround us every minute of every day. 

We demonstrate the existence of these frequencies through our efforts to have governments that recognize and try to implement these Cosmic Facts. We demonstrate this common sense through our behavior to others and through Beauty, through the Art, Music and Philosophy that embraces Wisdom. 

The problem then is Religion. Basically, religion is anything you want it to be. Usually religion manifests as a product of the belief in and worship of an infinite all powerful being called God in some language or other. This God has infinite Power and Will, and rules everything.

 There are about 4000+ religions existing around the world today. Each has an infinite God. Each infinite God has a group following with a teaching of some sort. Each Religion usually claims that its God is the Only God. For ages, this has and still is resulting in long bloody religious wars, such as those raging between Ukraine and Russia, Israel, and Iran, and are being ginned up by Afghanistan. Over the centuries WARS based on the delusion that human beings can OWN pieces of the planet have killed uncountable numbers of humans to say nothing of the destruction of the planet that produced the great deserts.

And, guess What! In the U.S., population roughly 350,000,000, where religion supposedly has no role in Government of for and by the People, a smallish number of evangelical or “born-again” Christians (about 14% of the population and 2/3rds of the Supreme Court) are determined to turn this nation into a Non-Science religious run operation that worships the individual “god” that they say is running the Planet. (The other 3,999 or so gods are frauds?)

So, as we well know we once again face the machinations of the Dark Forces. And again it is a world wide effort. 

So, this really tiny, tiny, tiny group of fake-humans not only want to get rid of the non-religious Constitution of the United States of America, they want to impose their version of something called a God on the roughly 350,000,000, individuals in this country. Having tried to do this with the “Super Humans” claim and failed in WW2, this religious assault is the new cover for their actual goal which is the same now as then: to get rid Human Free Will and the Constitution which are the only barriers they face in their effort to conquer the Planet.

Obviously Being human, that is recognizing and respecting in our daily lives ALL of our Sisters and Brother’s Human Rights as put forth in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution. This is a powerful form of VOTING.  But it will not replace the dense physical voting in every election we face. 

Vote as if our lives depended on it BECAUSE THEY DO!

Tom Carney

Wesak, May 5, 2023

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