Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012
Dear Mr. President:

Your staff  continues to put out self defeating messages. I quote, We could lose if this continues!”

If this election is to be decided by who has the most money, we were beat at the beginning. As long as you are framing the election around who can raise or who has the most money, we will not be reaching the heart of the population, the vast majority of whom do not have $35 to send in to have a cup of coffee with Joe or to ride on the bus with you.

The messages that your staff are sending are disheartening. They are engaging in a competition which is ridiculous and actually fuels the power of the opponents. When you focus the people’s attention on the news that they did not raise enough money, and rattle the snake of defeat you are discouraging us.

This is not a football game. We cannot be encouraged to go to the poles and “win one for the Gipper”!

This messaging, BTW, also focuses the opponents attention on the news that they are Winning. It says to them that to win all they have to do is out-spend us. This will only encourage the billionaires to  bury us in a mountain of money, which for them is a mole hill of chump change.

This line of approach is playing the opponents game. Focusing the election on money   rather than values and principles, is a sure way to not be reelected.

People want to vote for the individual with the most heart, not the most money.  Making the campaign focus on heart qualities is a sure winner, mainly because the opposition is basically heartless. America is about freedom and liberty for ALL. It’s about the right of All to Life liberty and happiness. It is the Common Good and the General Welfare that matter, not the size of one’s yacht or the number of one’s personal planes or houses.

These are the things that your staff needs to focus on. We have lots of rather the grim realities to illustrate the lie and failure of the oppositions message: The spreading poverty, the sad state of our schools, the 12 to 15 million unemployed mothers and fathers and the 30 or 40 millions of their hugely disadvantage children, the obesity of our people, the pollution of our environments, the wasting of human life in stupid wars, the corruption of the Banksters and their minions just to name a few.

Strongly suggest that you consider this approach. The heart is the path to “change the matters.”

Lots of love


Tom Carney

1504 Walnut Ave

Manhattan Beach, 90266

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