Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear Mr. President:
I received the following from your V.P., Joe Biden.:
“This will be blunt:
This isn't hyperbole or exaggeration:

If we don't win this election, it will be because we didn't close the spending gap when we could.”

This note to you  is also blunt. WE Will Win the election regardless of any "spending gap"!

The only gap that could possibly cause the election to be even close are messages such as this one which carry a frequency of fear and terror. Such messages, which your no doubt highly paid, expert campaign managers do not seem to realize, carry a deadly, negative virus. This virus has a frequency of discouragement, hopelessness and despair which infects the vast majority of the people whom we are trying to encourage.

Faced as we are with obligations for our family that have been generated by the years long, horrible employment situation, my wife and I have regularly contributed all that we can to your campaign. We do not contribute because of the non-stop, fear laced notes and letters we receive from all quarters of your campaign.

We contribute because we understand the stakes of the election, and we see that democracy itself is in grave danger from the forces of greed and retrogression. We actually marvel at what you and your administration have been able to accomplish in the past four years. Our personal opinions regarding the  role and function of Government for this nation and the Planet are actually dimensions more liberal or progressive than the issues about which the vocal “progressives” wail and bemoan. These are well meaning individuals who do not understand what you meant when you promised a new kind of government. They do not understand or realize the power that is opposed to the agenda which you espoused.

Common sense indicates to any observer of the common good that valuable resources and time are not only being wasted by your campaign but are actually generating a negative subjective impact. Large numbers of people are simply tapped out. After feeding housing and clothing their families, even if they happen to be among the fortunately employed, they have no “spendable” income left over to donate, not even 3$.

However, what they do have is the vote. What we need— far more than enough money to match the money of the Retrogressors, a goal that any reasonably informed individual with common sense knows is not possible to achieve anyway— is their vote. These messages are so discouraging that many of these people will not bother to vote because we have informed them that we cannot win.       

Your campaign managers need to get this. Stop wasting energy on these kinds of messages and begin to proactively work to engage the Hearts of our brothers and sisters.

Think! People follow their hearts. The heart does not traffic in fear. We give to what we love, not what we fear. And we give whatever we have to give which in the huge majority of the cases, as you well know, is not money.

My counsel is to forget about hustling people for money like a bunch of bill collectors. Those who can support the effort with money will. I think you can count on that. Their number  however is pitifully smaller than those who have only their love and vote to give. Those are the ones we need to talk to, and not about donations, but about the beauty and power and wonder of government of the people for the people and by the people.

Remember Saint Crispin’s Day. Remember the long bow.

Loving us

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I have received these letters myself and questioned the way they tries to appeal with fear. Hopefully someone in the right places will read your blogpost.
