Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Dear Mr. President
I have been troubled by the note of fear that I have encountered in most of the appeals for donations that I receive, and I receive two or three a day. I have informed you of this in the past. Because I expect this discouraging frequency, I often just delete the messages without opening them.  However, I opened the note which I received from the First Lady this morning because in my experience the frequency of everything that I have seen/heard her do carries the energy which reaches hearts.

Needless to say, I responded to her appeal.

Most of the messages seeking donations that are coming from your campaign lack this energy of appreciation and inclusive encouragement. I have a feeling that most of those messages are being generated by men. With a little consciousness raising, men are quite capable of using this energy. Perhaps it would be good to have a training session around the nurturing power of the kind of message that the First Lady generates and the effect that fear generates.

One other thing. I greatly appreciate and admire the courage and love which You model for us all. However, you should know that I, and many, many others, realize that in supporting you, we are really supporting us, the people, and not just of this nation, but of the one humanity.

In that light, I am counseling that we forget about the phrase, "if we win".
This thought does not direct energy toward the goal. It opens the door for the dark whisperer of doubt.

We will win because we must win. Even when we have lost a battle we have won because we have never been defeated. The Good cannot be defeated.

As a an ancient general of the Good once observed, "At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread....From the beginning, they struggled. From the beginning we conquered."
loving us

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