Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dear Mr. President

Saturday, April 16, 2016
Dear Mr. President.
This may be the last letter I write to you, and it is probably the most important.

I am not among those who think that you, and a number those who have preceded you, who have had the responsibility of leading this incredible Human accomplishment we call the United States of America, are remotely interested in what is called you Legacy. Individuals who make choices based on such a vapid concern have always been a big problem for the evolution of this nation rather fosters of progress.

I think that you are concerned with dealing with the immediate problems facing our Nation and Humanity, of which we are an inseparable part, in the best possible way to serve the Common Good.

Never an easy thing to do and something that is not understood by vast numbers of our brothers and sisters.

Over the years The United States has vetoed every effort that was brought to the Security Council of the United Nations to solve the Palestinian/Israel tragedy. I am urging, that in these final days of your responsibilities as our President, that you cause the resolution to establish the two state solution to be brought before the United Nations Security Council for a vote, and vote for it.

The situation as it exists is a very dangerous generator of fear and hate. The time to put an end to this awful situation is now; and I think that the power to do it is ours, if we choose to do so.
Lots of love


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