Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Cosmic Brotherhood

The Cosmic Brotherhood

There is no avoiding the awareness that the present situation on Planet Earth is Grave, very Grave, but not without a solution. What would be the point of having an unsolvable problem? I mean can it be a problem if it does not have a solution? That’s just dopy. Besides which, “from the beginning they have been struggling, and from the beginning we have been conquering”. I see every indication that this process will continue. We did not come this far to blow it.

Looking back, it seems apparent that we humans seem to relish close calls. (the effort to down load the science of the atom comes to mind.) We have lost more than a few, and this one seems very close; however, as the Master has indicated, and experience has taught us, “The power of experience defeats alien infirmity…. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread.” There is a kind of certainty in the field of consciousness that I deeply share. We are about done with the trouble makers. I mean we have had it with them. It’s time for them to go. We are moving forward, and we will prevail. Make no mistake.

In the meantime, around this rapidly unfolding and unavoidable event, there has been a lot of very excited talk and speculation. Books have been written and movies have been made about “Space, the Last Frontier” about our Space Brothers, or the Galactics, or Extraterrestrials and so on. Many of these concern our relationships with other Galactics, and about their dropping in and helping us out.

Present day people, while loving the movies and books, marvel and are astonished and mostly see it as fiction, fantasy. I suspect that the movies and books and a lot of the speculation are coming from deep within the collective consciousness of Humanity. Who is going to discriminate between re-membering and imagining?

At any rate, such appearances are nothing new for us Earth folks. We have, in fact, forever been being visited, “helped out”, and even impregnated by Non-indigenous folks from all over the Galaxy. Among the earliest if not the first help was what the Ageless Wisdom refers to as the “planting of the spark of mind in animal man.” Obviously, if it were not for that intervention, we would still be running around and being eaten by our bigger and faster four legged brothers.

The visitors came and they continue to come on several dimensions in all sizes, and shapes and kinds: from major to minor Avatars and Saviors, and, like it or not, we have also been invaded by the not so keen on helping us types, Devils and Slavers of various descriptions.

Ever since that first intervention, the one seemingly constant that we Earth Locals have in common with these visitors, regardless of their intentions, their shape, size, or kind, is Consciousness.

This fact should be a really big tip off that, who or whatever these various visitors “appear to be”, at the level of consciousness they are very much like us—probably with a few upgrades in the Wisdom and awareness category—and the folks we have to deal with every day. Some of us get It. There is this Principle called Brotherhood, we have an inborn feeling, a sense for that. We tend to be nice, friendly, hip to the fact that regardless of which Galaxy, Solar system, Planet, nation, race we currently come from, we understand that we are all brothers and sisters, and we all want to help the Great Cosmic Unfolding Unfold.

We have long known that some of these visitors are still chained to the Cosmic Wall like the one in Plato’s Cave. These folks just do not Get It! Or at least have not as yet Got It! They still think they are somehow Exclusive, dis-connected from the WHOLE THING, or Cosmos. They assume that they and their personal physical plane stuff, including themselves and whatever planets they can dominate, are all that MATTERS, or just matter. These Brothers simply are not able to get the fact of an infinite unified multidimensional Cosmos or get behind anything like cooperation or co-creation. They think that things like brotherhood and equality are just naïve ignorance.

So, since we have had, and are apparently still hosting, some of these Just Don’t Get Its or JDGI’s, on Planet Earth, we have all of this non-Plan nonsense, to deal with. You know starvation, disease, war, murder, gluttony, luxury insanity (Incidentally, luxury is a dope that makes the addictive qualities of heron seem like skim milk), greed, and so on. You know, it’s basically the kind of behavior you would expect from someone who is deluded and simply does not Get It.

Unfortunately, a lot of our local Earth folks, some of whom have been hanging out on Earth for some time are so hooked on the various drugs the JDGI’s are pushing, especially the big three, GGL or Greed Gluttony and Luxury that they are basically not conscious of being consciousnesses.

It takes a long time, if you will recall, to get it. Fortunately for us all, consciousness is apparently immortal. There is no shortage of time, and there is plenty of Space in Cosmos to work on getting it.

On the other hand, there is and always has been those on the planet who are aware at some level of being consciousnesses. Individuals and groups have always come forward especially in time of great need, like this one, to help us out. Sometimes they just walk in from a desert or write some poetry or do painting or show up on TV. A bunch of them showed up at a convention that went from May 25 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The result of the Convention was the creation of the United States Constitution. Occasionally they show up as a President like Abraham Lincoln or a Minister like Martin L. King.

What these “helpers” do is provide the Light for us to see the way forward. They give life to the Principles that we need to understand and strive toward. All such visitors GET IT. They are Galactics. They understand that we are all brothers and sisters, and we all want to help the Great Cosmic Unfolding Unfold.

Where do you suppose all those Cosmic Principles like Justice, Beauty, Joy, that we carry on about come from? It is really all about consciousness. When one, anyone, real-izes that all of those humans out there are basically him or herself, that on the level of consciousness we are all One Life, then horizons expand, the barriers of separative illusions dissolve including the illusion of not being part of Cosmos.

The Common Good emerges.

So, you see, just like everything else We are all Brother Galactics. We are the invasion from INNER SPACE. We are Ideas in action, unfolding the Plan. It is truly unavoidable, and swimming within the stream of the Future is so much more enjoyable.


  1. Well said brother Tom. The living relationship between humanity and the kingdom of Souls (aka The Masters) is not super-natural. It is the most natural and necessary relationship in the world if we are to 'bring heaven down on earth' and 'raise earth to heaven' in fulfilling The Plan. Blessings on the One Work, Michael

  2. I've been having this sense lately, Michael, that the issue is to realize that the separation is an illusion. YOU think?
