Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dear Hillary

Thursday, July 7, 2016
Dear Hillary:
I am sure that you are aware of this comment from Senator Sander's  news conference on Wednesday. “I want to take this opportunity this afternoon to applaud Secretary Clinton for the very bold initiative she has brought forth for the financing of higher education."

I was personally encouraged and gratified by your proposal. And, if we can really win the election in November, by which I mean gain some significant ground if not control over the House and Senate, the doors to a very much greater offensive-- which was initiated eight years ago by the election of President Obama-- to regain and move forward on the human rights and benefits lost since the Reagan retrogressions of 1981 will open.

The Senator's remark, "This proposal combines some of the strongest ideas which she fought for during the campaign with some of the principles that I fought for.” reveals exactly that for which many of us have been hoping. We, Humanity, need  a synthesis of that to which you each have so eloquently given voice.

The Senator has always been about Principles. You have always been about Ideas. Ideas step Principles down into achievable forms. The significant thing is that the Principles are about huge concepts that are actually Living Energy aspects of Cosmos. They are and have always been the eternal drivers of the Ideas.

This is where the heart, or wisdom, comes into the creative process. The heart has the courage and the determination to overcome any obstacle. In fact, obstacles are necessary because they call out the deeper power of the heart. It was your heart that made this choice. This is very encouraging. Please keep it up, you have an enormous group of heart driven sisters and brothers with you.

lots of love


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