Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mr. Trump

Mr. Trump #2
We have been taught to avoid giving advice since to implement the advice most often requires a temperament much like the temperament of the one giving the advice. It’s pretty obvious to me that our temperaments are galaxies apart. In fact, I sometimes think that there is some truth to the legend/theory that says ages ago, our planet had been invaded by reptilians from distant galaxies.

Regardless, I am not going to give you any advice. However, I will point out— in concern for the Common Good, and your own Good—that the path which you are pursuing, although well worn by many self-selected and self-identified would-be saviors, a position and function which I recall you have sort of claimed, leads to a cliff, the edge of which is many thousands of feet above the ground. The largely forgotten remains of literally all of these deluded ones who have preceded you on this path lie at the bottom.

So, no advice. But I will from time to time point out to you those of your actions which are hastening you on your inevitable way to that Cliff. If you choose to consider them and try a different path, you may avoid a brief but long fall.

BTW. These falls or, given the fact of our Free will, leaps actually, are historically very lonely experiences for the leapers.

Anyway, let me mention your very recent action, the blocking of fellow humans from coming into the U.S. Some of those whom your order blocked had just arrived, and a few of them are actual refuges, but most of the others were legitimately coming home or entering the Nation. Obviously, none of them were rapists, murderers, criminals or terrorists. This occurrence, an initial effect of the banning of the entire population of seven Muslim Nations, once again exposed your ignorant disconnect concerning Reality and the crude, callous, insensitive, streak which it harbors.

One wonders if you have ever heard of the motto of our country, “Give me your tired, your poor your huddled masses yearning to be free….”

I am pretty sure that a number of your “advisers” do, but I wonder also if you realize that this action was on the level of a First Strike. It will have huge consequences.  It was an intercontinental ballistic missile on the emotional and mental planes. It eliminated 7 Muslim nations from this Nation’s concept of Humanity.

One of its hideous and intended effects will be the planting of the seeds of religious war by making it seem that the United States of America thinks that Muslims are inferior to Christians, and are blasphemers, heretics and enemies of the Christian world. This will provide the religious fanatic terrorists with the kind of selling points they need to whip up fear and hate in those populations.

Incidentally, both of these groups of religious extremist terrorists work for the same Cabal. Their agenda is the destruction of Humanity, or most of it any way, So much easier to control, you understand.

The tiny group of extremist Christian terrorists—who in no way reflect the basic principles of Christianity and the Teachings of Christ, any more than the insane members of ISIS reflect the basic principles of the Koran and prophet Muhammad—who have worked their way into the leadership of our Nation, like their ISIS cohorts, would like nothing more than a religious war.

Are you sure that plunging the Planet into a religious war is a good thing, will make us “great again”? Maybe you will want to rethink that. Not everyone who is whispering “advice” into your ear is concerned for the Good of us all.


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