Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Shout the Truth

Shout the Truth

We are facing a very serious few months. There has been a serious dense physical ongoing confrontation in the United States between freedom and slavery, between democracy and fascism for a few years. It is approaching a denouement. This confrontation is different than the one the members of our armed forces faced as they charged out of the landing barges on to the beaches of Normandy. Thousands did not make the first ridge of protection, but no one stopped and after some months Democracy utterly defeated the Nazis and fascists.

Courage was the driver of that triumph, courage on many levels of interaction, from the scientists who broke through the barriers of physics mystery and unfolded the atom bomb, courage that drove sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers the children to preserver and do what was needed when it was needed without a second thought.

Humanity’s history is history of such confrontations. We have always had to struggle against these forces to evolve our inner convictions of freedom and liberty for all. We have always had over the centuries individuals and groups who through their own courage, encouraged millions to resist and demand freedom and liberty for all. In times of deep strife throughout our history and in every country and race this struggle has been going on. It manifests on every size from small family sized battlegrounds to towns, nations and the globe.

And with inner courage which is the gift of wisdom and the signature of Love we have always eventually triumphed.

The present challenge is, as anyone who is looking can see, global. In the United States, because over the past 240 years we have already paid a horrendous price with the death and suffering of millions of our immediate sisters and brothers to establish a democracy, it does not as yet involve bombs and bullets.

And that is the crux of the matter.

To keep it out of bombs and bullets, we the People, all of us at every age, need to stand up and open. We need to speak, and act truth to power. This is the only force that can manifest and maintain government of for and by the People.

This requires courage. At the moment, many of our brothers and sisters are involved in the daily working of the government in Washington D.C. So far a few have acted in truth to power and revealed some of the recent attacks against Democracy that have been are being perpetrated by the forces of fascism which have captured the executive aspect of our Democracy.

Let us encourage those who are working and involved there and who have witnessed the undermining of our Democracy to act with courage. "True, it is possible to admit the sword of indignation of the spirit, but only in rare cases, for indignation of the spirit wears away the sheath" New Era Community #45

In a Democracy, revealing the evil that is trying to undermine it is not whistle blowing; it is acting with love and courage for the Common Good and the General Welfare. It is making the ugly beautiful. 

Let an army of truth revelers come forward in all departments. The fear and hate mongers will try to devour you, but they cannot stomach courage for long.

Fear not. Those who oppose us are already terrified and full of hate. Hate and fear drive cowardice. They will evaporate along with their ignorant bootlickers. I can see them; casting horrified looks over their shoulders. They are already in the airports booking tickets out of this Nation.

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