Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Ticket to Ride

The Ticket to Ride

The following smallish group example was produced by the unavoidable intention of the economic system called capitalism.

Bezos $114,000,000,000
Gates $106, 000,000,000
Buffett $80,600,000,000
Zuckerberg $69,600,000,000
Ellison $65,000,000,000

All of these guys worked hard so they deserve their $434,600,000,000 billion.

Our fathers worked 9 hour days for 6 days a week at any number of back breaking labor jobs and you could only have used shoes that were purchased at goodwill once a year and free lunches at school because you qualified as poor.

A political, economic, social system that generates the kind of life conditions in which the top 10 percent of individuals, own more than 70 percent of the nation's wealth and more than twice the amount owned by the bottom 90 percent is not wrong, it is insane.

This system is completely out of balance with the natural life systems of this planet. Besides huge environmental disasters, it promotes ignorance, disease, and death. If it were a person it would be put in an insane asylum under heavy guard because it is lethal to Human life.

We evolve not because of this system but in spite of it.

It cannot be "fixed" by messing around with self-centered halfway nonsense policies that micro manipulate its effects.  It also cannot be fixed with school lunches for the poor and “affordable” housing for the homeless which are effects of the cause of ignorant self-centered greed and hunger for power.

It can and is being brought into balance by the emerging billions of group conscious individuals who actually understand that freedom and liberty for all actually means that. These rapidly appearing sisters and brothers will proceed to dismantle the Lie that some people are more equal than others and deserve to be wealthy and privileged, to go to exclusive schools where the teachers do not have to buy the paper, pencils and books for them and they have plenty to eat.

These rapidly appearing “Self Evident Truths” are called evolution. Evolution is, as we can see by the fact that we are still here, inevitable.

It is the time thing, which matters in the lower dimensions. It is all about our free will. Evolution is inevitable. Trump and all such persons are unavoidably toast. How fast or slow it goes depends on Humanity getting the picture and acting on it.

We are in an end game. Best option is to act and communicate with others. We must elect individuals who get it. Getting it is a matter of consciousness. Doing it is a matter of courage. Courage, that without which nothing else is possible, is the ticket to Ride.

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