Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Power of Love

The Power of Love

Great Love is laid in the foundation of the Higher World. Only a similar love responds to this quality. The most manifested reverence will not reach its destination without love. What is devotion without love? Can there be fieriness in a withered heart? Following a manifestation of love, there can be expected commensurateness with the Higher World. Each subject can be studied only with love. Each difficulty can be conquered by the power of love. Verily, great Love lies in the foundation of the Higher World! AUM #80

Of all of the words in the languages of Humanity, Love is probably the least understood and most abused. Love is a name for an Energy. Love is the omnipresent linkage between Intention and manifestation.

As anybody who thinks knows, it is possible to arrive at that point in the Cosmic energy field where our senses, our media—hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell—cease to register the impacts of the intelligence generated thoughtforms, what we call data, or information concerning the inexhaustible aspects of the dense physical, the lower emotional, and lower mental planes. When this “silence” occurs, our media, through an energy medium we call Intuition, or Love registers a synthesized media experience, a beingness with the pure frequencies of the energies those thoughtforms are endeavoring to transmit. For example, once I was present in Disney Hall when Esa-Pekka Salonen conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra in Sibelius’s, Finlandia… you would understand.

These intuitive encounters with energy have no form. This is significant in at least two ways. One, they are formless, thus, other than having happened, the fact of which is registerable by all of our media, they are no thing, no form. They cannot be registered by the intellect. That is why we are usually rendered “speechless” or as Keats put it “Silent on a peak in Darian.” by these experiences. We are sort of stunned into an awareness of exactly what we are registering via our media, and all that we can initially do is be in It, and “IT” is a magnet of profound power.

This is an experience of Love. To be “in” Love, in the frequency of Love, is to know the purpose the Truth of everything. As has been pointed out, “The measure of understanding is the degree of love.” Agni Yoga #424

An aspect of the energy of Love as it works out in human beings is what we call “group consciousness”. We see individual persons and things, but simultaneously, as it were, and depending on one’s polarity we see them as unified parts of a whole of, in a way, the Plan.

When Love is the motivating power, the courage, drive, and intelligence to achieve the visioned end, regardless of the consequences to one’s self, are there. It is love that has driven every step of every Hero that has ever walked including the Heroes that took the steps that created the United States of America, and the heroes who are working today to care for the victims of the Coronavirus.

If it is Love that is motivating, the effort will be unerringly for the Common Good and the General Welfare. Love always generates unity. Any form of separation is a delusion. There is no separation in Love or Reality.

The strategy of the dark forces has always been to generate fear and hate, to dominate and rule. That is all they have. They have nothing to work with or to offer that leads into the Light. “Compared with the radiance of love, hatred is only a hideous blot.” Agni Yoga #424

The rapidly deteriorating last gasp challenge by the forces of Retrogression being displayed 24/7 on our TV sets is becoming more and more obvious like the collapse of the Axis in WW2. They are beginning to unwind as they become more and more desperate. These TV efforts are a visible part of the huge struggles on the emotional and lower mental planes that have been going on for many, many years.

In this present attack, practically every effort made to weaken the structure of our Democracy has generated a huge backlash. The struggle is an amazing display of tactica adversa, which is actually revealing the true Unified nature of Reality and the utter ridiculousness of the delusion of separativeness.

Love is the energy that is driving the sisters and brothers who are group consciously involved on the streets in “Walls of Moms” and in other numerous ways and levels in the current war to maintain Freedom and Liberty for All. It is this appearance of Love within human consciousness that is generating and revealing the evolution of group conscious development. It is this mass appearance of group conscious individual sisters and brothers that enables one to realize the falsity of those weapons of fear, hate, separation, and degradation being used by the Retrogressors and to recognize the universal inclusiveness of Humanity and the Planet.

“It is truly told about the power of love for humanity. Can one love a garden and despise its flowers? Can one worship the power of beauty and not show respect for love? I attest that the Power adorning Our Universe is confirmed as Our Mother of the World—the Feminine Origin!” Infinity #156

As Master M. long ago pointed out, “From the Beginning the dark ones struggled.
From the Beginning We conquered.” Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231 Their current sad and ignorant efforts will, as they always have, Fail. And perhaps this time it will be for a very, very long time.

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