Wednesday, August 19, 2020

It's About Humanity

There is a sophistic effort to spread division about One "Democratic" vision among the so called moderate and progressive People who are supporting Democracy. The effort, no surprise, is to divide and conquer. It too will fail.

The rapidly approaching election offers the the next unavoidable step. It's not about the democratic party. It's about HUMANITY. It's about World Freedom and Liberty, of which The United States is supposed to be a model for Humanity. Many "moderate" democrats are becoming more aware, and others are growing older and fewer. What is actually here and is going to keep on coming is a virtual tsunami of Greta Thunbergs in all sizes, sexes, colors, nations.

The suggestions of Sanders and Warren are the next small steps in this long, long journey out of the insanity of rule by wealth and power into Right Human Relations, into equality and liberation. And yes. There will be further struggles with the power elite. Evolution has always needed something, usually gruesome, to push against.

Most of the englamoured power and wealth individuals like the dinosaurs of old still do not know that they are sinking into the unavoidable pit of irrelevancy. All there is is energy. It does not belong to anyone. It is not gold or any dense material. It is Sun Light! And unimaginable quantities impact this tiny planet every 24 hours.

We may still have a few more turns on the revolution merry go round, but as anyone who is actually awake can see "the times are a changing" way faster than than the ones who are looking over their shoulders can see.

I give what we call capitalism, which has always been kept in place by dependence on the ownership of the source of energy, maybe another 7 or 8 years. However, as we regain control over the Government of the People there is this thing we call income and property tax among other things that will bring us into harmony and equilibrium.

The dinosaurs will probably not go quietly into that good night, so there may be some problems, but Evolution is simply not open to further foot dragging.
They had their chance for the A Bomb. We got ever wonder why?

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